26 February 2007

Coalition to have Adebayor's red revoked and given to Eboue!

Well. Jeez.

For a game that started off so well for us, it really ended awfully for everyone. Well except maybe for Diaby because I mean, any day where you get to kick John Terry in the face is an excellent day indeed.

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The bitter sting of being outplayed.

However.... it was in extremely poor sport and I do hope that Terry is okay. Anyhow, like I was saying, we came out of the blocks absolutely on fire. Our youngsters were making these millionaire players at Chelsea look like a cheap second rate team. To quote my friend at Arseblogger who saw the thing live "Our midfield pissed all over Lampard and Ballack and Essien and Makelele and to see Lampard giving it the clenched fists like they’d just beaten Brazil at the end was maddening but completely in character for him - the actions of a deluded cunt. Then they showed why they really are the most despicable football club on earth as they went to collect the trophy."

So we outplayed them and still lost, but there is still this small matter of Adebayor and Eboue. And it was NO small matter. Part of the reason for this bust up to begin with was the lack of control by the referee, and the poor calls by the deluded linesmen. One of the aforementioned deluded linesmen had some difficulty discerning Adebayor (6'4" unbelievably lanky) and Eboue (5'10" quite stocky) apart. So evidently, Adebayor spotted some unsporting conduct courtesy of Eboue, and made sure to indicate this to the linesman. Adebayor was absolutely correct to report this, as Eboue was once again out of line and out of hand. Anyhow, the ref was so confused in this melee that he proceeds to give Adebayor, who never touched ANYONE, a red card.

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Kids, in the circle on your left, you will see the towering figure of Adebayor. In the highlighted square, you see Eboue having his bust up with Bridge, his offending hand again highlighted with a circle.

Even getty images has the wrong caption on their website, with Adebayor identified as the man who laid hands on Bridge. Look at the photo folks, last I checked, that man hitting Bridge isn't even the length of one of Adebayor's legs.

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These men do not look REMOTELY alike, apart from their skin color.

Sigh. I've gone a little picture happy, but I mean really, I just don't understand what the refs were thinking. I can understand the red card to Diaby (he really shouldn't have roundhoused Terry) AND I can understand the yellow cards to the remaining players (Cesc you rascal) but there really is NO justification for what happened to Adebayor.

So that was the game. Walcott made his first goal in his Arsenal career, and the kids played beyond amazing. Too bad it was all overshadowed by some bad sportsmanship at the end. Any thoughts on the blatant miscarriage of justice? Can anyone else make the case to me about confusing Eboue with Adebayor?

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