27 February 2007

The Answer to a Frequently Asked Question.

So I get asked a lot of questions. The one I get asked most of all: Why are you so crazy about Arsenal F.C.?

Prior to today, I had very little in way of an answer. Asking someone to condense a passion such as this down to a neat little answer is almost impossible. However, today I ran into an answer in one of the many Arsenal blogs that I follow. Interestingly, these are the words of a Chelsea fan.

"Something that happens too often with Arsenal happened again yesterday: you played the better, more classy football but lost to a more ruthless, clinical and efficient team. I don’t mind people comparing us to a “machine”, because machines tend to win trophies. [...] This Chelsea team is better than that Porto team because we’ve spent more money and therefore technically have better players, but the mentality remains the same."

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This is how I picture Mourinho's philosophy.

I guess I would have to say that I adore Arsenal because we do play classy football. We nuture players from the beginning, we make bargin deals into class acts, and we make other teams look... well like they belong in the second league, win, lose or tie. It does NOT matter to me that we win trophies, although those look nice on the shelf. What matters to me is that we play a brand of football that is beyond what I see any other team has. It warrants us now having more fans than any other team in the world (175,00 and counting, check the Guiness Book, it's official).

So that is the answer to that question, if anyone asks me again, I'm just going to make them look this up instead of waxing elegant any longer.

On to other news, the wise Chelsea fan had this to say about Diaby:

"Being played out of position, he [Diaby] terrorised our midfield, often storming past the likes of Ballack and Lampard. There was one point in the second half when he tackled Lampard, took it past Ballack and then bounced right off Essien. It was insulting. A guy to my left looked at me as if to say “who the hell is this kid?” In March 2003, Patrick Vieira gave the best individual performance I’ve ever seen in 13 years at Stamford Bridge. When Vieira was 19, he was not as good as Diaby is now."

If that's what the opposition has to say about Diaby, then I am willing to wait for him to get better. He did pick up an injury kicking Terry, which is such a shame as Terry was quite fine. Overall, I am as always, excited about the coming season. Chelsea can continue to spend their Russian money, and the other teams can just continue to not matter in my world.

I am a forever Arsenal fan.

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