21 February 2007

We've taken our shite to the Champion's League

Remember my rant about how we always tie?

Well things just got worse. We had our first official loss of 2007, and it just had to be in the Champions League.

Wegner shows to be much more optimistic than I am, as I feel that this is just more of our lackluster performances against mediocre teams. Had we been playing Barca I'd bet for a shutout.

So here it is boys... I'm laying it on the line for you. Shape up, or... or I'll pretend like I don't love Arsenal with the heat of a thousand suns anymore.

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You know, in ancient Rome that was the symbol of death. Ugly bugger.

And by the way, if there is any sense of justice in the world, Mourinho will lose against FC Porto today.

Manchester fans... what happened with the fence? Let's not have another Hillsborough. That's for the mickeys over at Liverpool. (Disclaimer: I'm really just kidding, Hillsborough was an awful disaster, but I mean if a girl can't take a crack at Man U it's just not a complete day.)

Edit: Oh yeah, so Arsenal announced their losses today, and it was a whopping 6.2 million pounds. Sound like a major loss? Well it's a good thing that we are in the same league with a crazy Russian billionaire. Yesterday Chelsea posted a loss of over 80 million pounds. That's right... more than 10 times what we spent. We bought the 3 time Czech player of year and built a brand new stadium and Chelsea STILL outspent us. Just something else to add to the list that Jose ain't so good at. Money management.

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