11 December 2006

Jose Mourinho is an idiot

Keep in mind that I've had to re-type this twice, and I've only done this for your protection. People need to know how batshit crazy this man is.

"Jose Mourinho claimed Arsenal were “co-operating” with Manchester United to stop Chelsea winning the title."


Go read the whole article... because it really shows what a piece of work this man is. Newcastle fans, please take note of the very kind words he has for your meeting next week. No offense though ya know!!!

Just to further illustrate my point, I'm breaking out some of my collection of quotes.

1."Buying players for Chelsea is the hardest job in the Premier League." --oh yes sir, I feel sooooooo bad for you. It must be very difficult to spend all of that dirty Russian money. To outprice anyone else looking to buy someone. My heart aches.

2. "As we say in Portugal, they [Spurs] brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal. I would have been frustrated if I had been a supporter who paid £50 to watch this game because Spurs came to defend. There was only one team looking to win, they only came not to concede - it's not fair for the football we played" --well imagine that! A team DEFENDING the goal!!! That is revolutionary. And illegal. Of course, anyone can see, the Spurs should have been banned immediately. I mean, can anyone think of a sport where the main objective is to score?? Mr. Mourinho I think you are confused with the OTHER football.

3. "I think he [Arsene Wenger] is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families." --the man is insane. A telescope!??! What are you talking about?!?!?!

4. "For me, pressure is bird flu. I'm feeling a lot of pressure with the problem in Scotland. It's not fun and I'm more scared of it than football." --Bird flu?! How in any way is that your concern?? Wtf mate?

To top it off... a report from a friend who was at the recent match.
"Arsenal fans sang their songs about him [Cole] and threw the fake £20 notes. Chelsea fans responded by singing about our manager wanting to have sex with children."

Very classy Chelsea. Veeeeeeery classy.

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