15 December 2006

UEFA Champions League Draw

So I think this is good news for several reasons.

1. We ddin't get Barca (haha Livepool is getting knocked out).
2.Man U has to play Lille again, and we all remember the embarrassment that was last time.
3. Chelsea has to play Mourinho's old team, and that man is so crazy he might just refuse to coach or something. Or park his team's bus in front of the goal, you know the usual.
4. We've beat PSV before, and I really believe we can beat them again. We've quit losing to shit teams (see Wigan) however, we really haven't quit playing shit against shit teams (see Wigan).

The small obstacle I see in our way is some guy named Nanu. Evidently this guy used to play for Arsenal, and he was a bit of an arse. Lazy, rude to other members, and we released him. And now he plays for PSV. That hasn't stopped us in the past, but.. we are quite unpredictable this season.

Now.... the game I've finally watched through and through and can comment on.

Chelsea v Arsenal.

Hmmm. Well you know I was a bit disappointed. The first half was a bit boring. Don't get me wrong, I love the game of football, especially when it's two teams matched up like this, but I can understand why some Americans think it's boring. That's sorta how the first half was. That's how the ENTIRE game against Wigan was. Moving on though... to the 78' where we had our first goal. No surprised that Adebayor put it in, he's really coming along, and honestly this season I have more faith in him and Van Persie than Henry. Then some Chelsea player (I don't really bother learning their names, because I figure they'll just be sold/bought in another season) scored. And almost scored again. And then Hleb was fouled by the biggest idiot in the world. And since Chelsea has their players alllllllways whining to the refs, I really think that's why we didn't get the call. I have it on Tivo... it was a certifiably bad foul. Anyhow... final score was 1-1. Not bad at all... espcially considering a few of the statistics.

Average Age of Team:
Arsenal - 23 (youngsters)
Chelsea - 29 (prime)

Average Age of Defense
Arsenal - 21 (VERY young)
Chelsea ~ 27 (again, in their prime)

I'm pretty okay with it, I really wanted us to win, but at least we drew the 2 points out of Chelsea. Gives a bit more to Man U, and since we've already beat them AT OLD TRAFFORD, we don't have anything left to prove.

On a final note, there is a pretty substantial rumor (read it's been in more than just Spanish tabloids) that Jens Lehman will leave Arsenal at the end of the summer. Why? We only want to give him a 1 year contract. Which makes sense to me because the man is like 66 or something, and we like to have younger talent. I also remember hearing something about us buying some new up and coming goalkeeper (imagine that!) a while back.

Did anyone else see the Chelsea v Arsenal game? Any thoughts on the UEFA League draw?

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