03 December 2006

Arsenal... as usual

After that game yesterday I am almost convinced that we don't need Henry anymore. He has tutored Van Persie to the point of standing alone (in the 4-4-2 again thank God) and Adebayor is coming alone nicely. As usual, Ljungberg was disappointing... I think the Lightning Bolt is just past his prime.

By no means am I saying that it was a pretty game of football, because anyone that has seen the highlights knows that Van Persie possibly handballed prior to that last penalty, and that neither of the penalties was very clear cut, but then again Anelka was definitely offside last week, so you take what you can get. And we got a win against Tottenham. If there is one team that I couldn't stand winning the Premiership more than Chelsea it's this load of... see you next tuesdays.

1. Arsenal will stay put at 3rd... Chelsea will take 2nd and Man U will take 1st.

2. Arsenal will make it at least to the quarterfinals in the Champions League. I can't tell you why, it's just because we're cursed like that.

3. Henry will be sold this year, or his star will burn our slowly at Ashburton Grove. He's in his prime, but if he keeps busting up with Arsene he'll be out of there.

4. Chelsea will lose to Barcalona. And Arsenal. Whoop.

1. Tottenham will be relegated to the lower league. That would seriously make my year.

2. Man U wins gracefully, but not after a nice little fight between Rooney and Ronaldo. The giraffe vs. the rugby player... good drama.

That's all folks.

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