11 February 2007

One point behind, one game in hand

So the good news is that we won again Wigan today, something I might not have predicted. We truly do have a terrible record against teams at the bottom of the table, as well as a history of terrible starts. This game was no exception, as we gave them the first point. We've REALLY got to stop doing that, because sometimes there just isn't enough time for that second goal to seal the win.

Anyhow... the game was looking dismal until an own goal by Wigan, followed by a nice strike by Rosicky. This is Rosicky's first goal for the Gunners in the Premiership, so well done him. I think with a little more time he'll really prove to be an important element in our team. He's also been named the Czech player of the year for the third time in a row, so again, bravo!

Henry was accused of showboating and poor sportsmanship by the other team, and I have to say that I'm in agreement. That little dance of his and Ade's is not in good sport. So a little word to the wise, cease and desist.

So we made it through the internationals without injury, we're one point behind Liverpool with one game in hand, and we are now the only one of the big four still British owned. I'd say its a good end to the season, now the boys just need to wrap it up. Well done us.

UPDATE: Okay okay, I've been going back through the footage, and it wasn't Henry's dancing, it was his bitching and moaning about time wasting. And actually, I have to say that I'm on his side for that one, although I completely understand where a team like Wigan is coming from. I've also decided that the people at Sky Sports News are a bunch of twats who moan way too much. That's all.

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