19 January 2007

Goodbye Lauren, and our Manchester meeting

First off, I must say goodbye to our favorite Arsenal fullback Lauren. Pompey at Portsmouth has snapped him up to join the other Arsenal retirees (see Sol Campbell). You will truly be missed, especially for your famous "cold stare".

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Oh Giggsy... you won't miss Lauren or his "cold stare" will you? (Apologies, this is the best picture I had and C*le just happened to be in it.)

We really could use his experience this weekend, especially with Gallas out and that loose Ivory Coast cannon known as Eboue wondering about the backhalf. Anyhow, I've made a pros and cons list of this big meeting this weekend.

1. We have injured/outed players. For whatever reason, we play better when we are a bit of the underdogs. No Gallas, no Gilberto, possibly no Van Persie, sounds like we are officially underdogs.
2. This could help knock Manchester off the top spot of the table. Woohoo!
3. We have Henry back who is an unbeatable goal scorer when he wants to be. My prediction is that we'll see Adebayor up front with him, as Manchester had a tough time coping with him last game.

1. We're playing at home. Let's face it... the atmos at Emirates just isn't what it was at Highbury. It's big and new and nice... but it's just not Highbury, yet.
2. This could help knock Manchester off the top of the table. That means that Chelsea could overtake them and be champions for the third straight year. Barf.

All in all, I think this is going to be an exciting game. Then again, it could be boring except for the 1 minute where the 2 goals are scored.

Final prediction: 2-1 Arsenal. Sorry Manchester, we've been on lately.

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