04 May 2007

Do title races take teams out of Europe? Does Jens Lehmann have the yips?

So much has been going on the last two weeks in soccer, I really don't know why I thought I could keep my mouth shut about it. Arsenal is truly back in the race for third, especially now that Liverpool (congrats scousers) will play in the UEFA Cup final. That is not however, the point I have been thinking about the last week or so.

I argue that by focusing on domestic title races, you damned well eliminate yourself from the European races. If you look at what just happened to Chelsea (bleh!) and Man U, I would say without a doubt yes. Want more evidence? Look at the position Arsenal was in last year when we played Barca. We really thought that we still had a shot in England, and I think that this one of the reasons that we eventually lost UEFA (besides Jens, but I'll get to that in a minute). AC Milan has been out of the Serie A league race for quite some time now. And despite Chelsea and Manchester's argue that they dominate world football, if you look at the numbers, Liverpool has gone to the European cup finals 6 times, and won 5 of those. Chelsea has only won 2 European cups, and Manchester has lost 7 of the 9 times it has made it to the semifinals. Hardly pictures of European dominance. I cannot argue that they have achieved some level of domestic dominance... but I would argue that Liverpool has a similar reputation... undeserved or not. I'm convinced that the only way most triple or double can be achieved is with domestic trophies. A Carling Cup, FA Cup, and Premiership Cup? It's been done, and by us I might add! A FA Cup, Premiership title, and UEFA Cup? Pretty much impossible friends, and the team that does it will have to have depth not seen on any team since the era of the Galaticos. If you can sit Figo out because you have too many other good players in his spot, you can also sub Figo in and rest those other players. That is the type of team that could win a treble with a European Cup. Don't y'all agree?

Enough with all that convincing argument stuff... on to my boys. While we have been plagued with one of the most injury ridden seasons in recent memory, our youngsters have begun to rise to the occasion and are providing the fans with some nice wins. Gilberto, Diaby, and Fabregas all continue to impress me, and the more experience they get, the better for next season. Some disappointing losses as well, but I am firmly blaming those on Jens Lehmann. That's right... a first string keeper from Germany (!) is sucking it up. BIG TIME. Looking back over this season, I can think of a number of very unremarkable performances by our keep. I could even start with the disastarous exit from the UEFA Cup final, when in the 8th minute Jens recieved a red card for running out of the goal box to hit a ball! #$#@^$&! Remember that folks? Remember the tie against Chelsea this year, when Jens concided a decent pitful attempt on the part of Chelsea?! As we have just extended his contract for another year we are stuck with him. Arseblog has this thought:

At the moment Jens reminds me of a big robot that didn’t get a proper charge and is now going a bit mad. This summer he needs to be switched off, plugged into the mains so he can start next season with 100% battery life.

Honestly, that is the best description I've heard of the whole mess. What do y'all think?

In other news... there is talk of Ribery coming to the Grove this summer (!) but I am not getting my hopes up. Arsene tends not to sign older players, so I'll believe it when it has happened. Also, the usual ballocks about Cesc going to Spain (he just signed an 8 year contract you idiots!). I shall keep y'all updated during the end of the title race and the exciting summer transfer window.

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