02 January 2007

Tonight. Tonight. Tonight.

So we might have a chance tonight... I mean Charlton is awful. But on the other hand we do not have a striker.

Yeah that's right... you heard me. The team of Van Persie, Adebayor, Baptista, Henry, Walcott, etc. has no strikers.

Zip. Zero. Zilch.

There have been some rumors that Henry is planning to come out for a bit and work a little magic then go back to being huffy and injured. Personally he has disappointed me this season, but then I see things like this:

And I remember why I admired him in seasons past. So let's just cross our fingers and hope that he comes in for 5 minutes, takes control, scores 2 goals, and we can continue down the path of inconsistency on our merry way.

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