01 June 2007

Some insanity in the midst of no news

Someone once said that no news is good news. I call bullshit. The problem is that you spend the entire summer listening to a bunch of idiots in Spain making up stories that have no root in fact. Here is Arseblog's take on the whole business.

Anyhow... the aforementioned insanity that I was referring to was the Times rating of all the players in the Premiership. A couple things of interest:

1. If you soley look at the rankings, the only other team with the same quality of players as Arsenal is Manchester United. We both have more than half our squad in the top quarter of players, and no players in the top half.

2. Alexsander Hleb is 10th!? That is just insane! As I've mentioned before, that idiot passes to the other team, he seems to wander aimlessly about the field at times, and not many Gunners would mind if he found his way out of England for a nice transfer fee. This ranking alone makes me doubt the rest of them.

3. Ashley C*le is 79th. Below our entire starting line. Suck it you cunt money grubber oh forget it, I don't have the words for him.

4. Neither Liverpool nor Chelsea has anywhere the quality of players that we have. I'm not surprised.

Not much else to say. Congrats to Man U for some nice transfer business. Here's to hoping that Arsene starts spending our money soon. Cheers.