19 November 2006

Am I rooting for "the most frustrating team the world has ever seen"?


Who have all been acting like a bunch of Arses lately. We truly have one of the best teams in the Premiership. Chelsea may have the bucks to buy the big players, yet we still manage to have a team easily equal of theirs for half the money. Robin Van Persie? Bought for the bargain price for 3 million pounds. Eboue and Toure? Same story. We have one of the classiest managers that Barclays has seen. Arsene Wegner is a genius! And yet... our record is 6-2-4. That is a LOT of ties. We just can't seem to beat those easy teams. Manchester United (the current leaders) is undefeated excepting US! Our losses are even more embarrassing... Manchester City? West Ham? W-T-F!!!!!

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We're frustrated too, Adebayor.

I must conclude then, that I truly am rooting for the most frustrating team in the world. Does this mean that even for a second my loyalty could waver? Hell no!!! Does it mean that I have a long season ahead of me... yes.